Earlier in the week, we sent out the call for guesses to our mystery location—and you responded! Unfortunately, nobody responded correctly, but we received a lot of good guesses. Most of you assumed our photo was taken at the Northern Hills Railway Society’s model train setup on Main Street in Deadwood. You were on the right track (pun intended) but not quite there. To refresh your memory, here’s our photo:

The correct location is actually the South Dakota Stockgrowers Association Building at 426 St. Joseph Street in downtown Rapid City.

No, Rapid City does not have an Amtrak station or subway system. But there is a pretty cool model train display in the basement of the Stockgrowers building. It’s put together by the Black Hills Railway Society and open to the public the first and third Monday of every month from 5-6 p.m. Once a year, they tear the whole display down and start over from scratch. Go check it out sometime!
Look for a new mystery location on Monday.