A couple of people had a keen eye this week and led the charge in identifying our mystery spot:

This painted bison sculpture is one of eight that can be found on various street corners in downtown Custer.

The bison are holdovers from the Custer Stampede Buffalo Art Auction, a public art project created to give artists from around the country an opportunity to showcase their work by painting either life-sized or table-top fiberglass buffalo. The pieces were then auctioned off at the conclusion of the Stampede. The auction ran for for 12 years, ending in 2016, and coincided with the Custer State Park Buffalo Roundup and Arts Festival.
16 sculptures survived the auction and took up residence in a local woman’s backyard. She offered to lend half the herd to downtown, and they were placed at various spots along Main Street. The colorful hand-painted bison, each one unique, quickly became a tourist attraction. They go on display the week before Memorial Day and are herded up following the Roundup. Stop by the Custer Area Chamber of Commerce for a map of the buffalo and information on the artists who painted them.