From the beginning of June to the end of August, every Thursday night from 6-9 p.m., downtown Rapid City hosts Summer Nights. Three blocks downtown are blocked off as thousands of people take to the streets for dancing and games! The highest attendance was a staggering 14,000 people and average attendance is 8,000.

Every night features live music from a new band, kids activities, craft vendors, delicious festival food, and a Bud Light Beverage Garden for the adults. Children can take part in the Regional Health and Scull Construction Kidz Zone with inflatables, a fun train, face painting, and games.

The event brings excitement to the downtown area as thousands come to dance and celebrate. Everyone is smiling and has a great time at Summer Nights!

Admission to Summer Nights is completely free, however it’s asked that you leave your pets at home.


Check the Summer Nights for complete band listings.