
Ready to find some treasure? Using coordinates found online, geocachers search for treasure caches containing an odd assortment of items like jewelry, keychains, gift cards, small games, books, and any number of other small items. After finding the cache container, sign your name to the log book, take an item, leave an item, and then put the cache back.

Some treasure hunts go through scenic locations, and require hiking through forests, along streams, and near canyons. Others are a walk in the park (literally)!

Karen, or TuxieII as she goes by online, has been geocaching for 10 years and lives in Rapid City. She is 70 years old and started geocaching with her husband after reading about it in the newspaper. After her husband’s death, she began geocaching with her brother – allowing her to do things that she never thought possible!

“There are lots of things to like about it – adventure, exercise for both body and mind, travel, meeting new friends, getting out into nature and having fun, seeing places you normally wouldn’t see, finding new things even in your own town. I have now been geocaching in 16 countries and try to go geocaching whenever and wherever I can. It is fun for all ages and brings families together. It is great exercise, too. I am now 70 years old and would not be nearly as fit without geocaching. It has helped me overcome fears. I used to be afraid to climb a 3-foot ladder. Now I have done all kinds of climbing and even rappelled to find a geocache. It can be very intellectually stimulating if you do some of the puzzle geocaches. There are all kinds of them and they are very creative, funny, frustrating, etc. I believe it’s one of the best hobbies ever!”

TuxieII has traveled all over the world geocaching, but still thinks the Black Hills are one of the best places for her hobby.

“The Black Hills area is a fantastic place for geocaching. There are lots of great caches and most of them are well maintained. I have many favorites – too many to list. Top of the list is Buzzard Drop – one in Spearfish Canyon that requires rappelling.”

To start geocaching, all you need is a GPS enabled smartphone and the coordinates of an interesting geocache. In the Black Hills, there are hundreds of hidden geocaches waiting to be found. Go to and start your adventure!


By Kelsey Sinclair